Aqara Hub Setup & Review

Published by Shane W. on

In this video I will set up the Aqara hub, along with an Aqara Door Sensor, to create a security alarm system that works in HomeKit. I used the Aqara App, but you can also use the Mi Home app to view and control your aqara and Mijai sensors and products.

Overall, I have been extremely happy with the Aqara products that I have. They are VERY affordable, reliable, and fast. They sensors connect to the hub using zigbee. This makes them very fast, which is important for sensors.

The Aqara products can be difficult to find at times on Amazon, in the US and other countries. I have ordered through for some of my Aqara products in the past. Prices are very good, but shipping can take a while.

On Gearbest:
Aqara Gateway Hub:…
Aqara Motion Sensor:…
Aqara Vibration Sensor:…
Aqara Temperature/Humidity Sensor:…
Aqara Water Leak Sensor:…

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