How to Make Conditional Siri Shortcuts for the Smart Home

Published by Shane W. on

We now have the ability to create conversational Siri shortcuts that work great with our HomeKit smart home. In this video we will build two basic siri shortcuts that will perform different actions based on our interaction with Siri.

• Set homekit lights for watching a movie
• Asks which app to open on the Apple TV
• Turns on the TV and opens the app on the Apple TV that you choose

• Gives the weather forecast for the next day
• Gives the first event on your calendar for the next day
• Asks if you would like to set your work alarm
• Create an automation that turns on morning lights ONLY if the work alarm is snoozed in the morning.

You can follow along in the video or download these shortcuts below directly to your phone if you wish to get started.

Goodnight Shortcut:

Movie Night Shortcut:

Steps in the Movie Night Shortcut
Steps in the Goodnight Shortcut (pt. 1)
Steps in the Goodnight Shortcut (pt. 2)
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