Eve Water Guard Setup, Test & Review

Published by Shane W. on


The EVE WATER GUARD is one of the first HomeKit products to actually hit the market after being announced at CES 2020. The Eve Water Guard detects water leaks and alerts you the moment they occur – visually, audibly and through HomeKit. Features include a 100 dB siren, visual light alert and a 6.5 ft sensing cable (extendable). In this video we will discuss the features, setup the product with HomeKit, and I’ll share my overall thoughts and experience with this unique little water sensor.

Purchase Links
Eve Water Guard: https://amzn.to/39gqsxh
Eve Water Guard Cable Extension: https://amzn.to/2OD9EsF

NOTE: The links in this post are affiliate links that allow you to easily find relevant products at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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