First Alert Onelink Smart Smoke and CO Detector Review

Published by Shane W. on

So the smoke detectors in my home were getting close to the 10 year mark, which meant it was about time to replace them. I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to get a “smart” smoke alarm that, of course, would work with HomeKit.

I purchased the First Alert OneLink Smoke/CO Detector (2nd gen wired version) under the impression I would get alert notifications and interconnectivity to the other wired smoke detectors in the home. I was not too happy with the tests that I performed. Spoiler Alert: you won’t be finding this product on my Recommended Products page. Watch the video above to see the details and the tests that I performed.

If still interested – Onelink Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector on Amazon:

NOTE: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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